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A cross-scale numerical modeling system for management support of oil spill accidents

TitleA cross-scale numerical modeling system for management support of oil spill accidents
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAzevedo A., Oliveira A, Fortunato AB, Zhang Y, Baptista AM
Journal TitleMarine Pollution Bulletin
KeywordsOil spill modeling; Eulerian–Lagrangian methods; Unstructured grids; Oil weathering processes; Coastal pollution

A flexible 2D/3D oil spill modeling system addressing the distinct nature of the surface and water column fluids, major oil weathering and improved retention/reposition processes in coastal zones is presented. The system integrates hydrodynamic, transport and oil weathering modules, which can be combined to offer different-complexity descriptions as required by applications across the river-to-ocean continuum. Features include accounting for different composition and reology in the surface and water column mixtures, as well as spreading, evaporation, water-in-oil emulsification, shoreline retention, dispersion and dissolution.
