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Dynamics of Teleaulax-like cryptophytes during the decline of a red water bloom in the Columbia River Estuary. J Plankton Res. :1-11.
2017. Graphical coding data and operational guidance for implementation or modification of a LabVIEW®-based pHstat system for the cultivation of microalgae. Data in Brief. 12(June 2017):463-470.
2017. Quantity and quality of particulate organic matter controls bacterial production in the Columbia River estuary. Limnology and Oceanography.
2017. Use of Highly Specific Molecular Markers Reveals Positive Correlation between Abundances of Mesodinium cf. major and its Preferred Prey, Teleaulax amphioxeia, During Red Water Blooms in the Columbia River Estuary. J. Eukaryotic Microbiol..
2017. Watershed Urbanization Linked to Differences in Stream Bacterial Community Composition. Front. Microbiol.. 8:1452.
2017. Determination of intracellular pH in phytoplankton using the fluorescent probe, SNARF, with detection by fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Microbiological Methods.
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