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A toxic Pseudo-nitzschia bloom in Todos Santos Bay, northwestern Baja California, Mexico. Harmful Algae. 8(3):493-503.
2009. Gonadal tissue color is not a reliable indicator of sex in rocky intertidal mussels. Aquatic Biology. 3:63-70.
2008. The land/ocean biogeochemical observatory: A robust networked mooring system for continuously monitoring complex biogeochemical cycles in estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 6(JUL, July 2008)
2008. .
2008. Application of highly discriminating unique sequence elements of the 28S rRNA gene for determination of protest biogeography. In Preparation.
0. Spatiotemporal distribution of heterotrophic protists in the Columbia River coastal margin, USA. Rejected at AEM, 2014. Undergoinging revision.