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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is S and Author is Santos, Emanuele  [Clear All Filters]
Santos E, Tierny J, Khan A, Grimm B, Lins L, Freire J, Pascucci V, Silva CT, Klasky S, Barreto R et al..  2009.  Enabling Advanced Visualization Tools in a Web-Based Simulation Monitoring System. 2009 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science. :358-365.
Santos E, Lins L, Ahrens J, Freire J, Silva CT.  2009.  VisMashup: Streamlining the Creation of Custom Visualization Applications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(6):1539-1546.
Howe B, Lawson P, Bellinger R, Anderson EW, Santos E, Freire J, Scheidegger C, Baptista AM, Silva CT.  2008.  End-to-End eScience: Integrating Workflow, Query, Visualization, and Provenance at an Ocean Observatory. 2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience (eScience). :127-134.
Freire J, Koop D, Santos E, Silva CT.  2008.  Provenance for Computational Tasks: A Survey. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(3):11-21.
Scheidegger C, Koop D, Santos E, Vo H, Callahan SP, Freire J, Silva CT.  2008.  Tackling the Provenance Challenge one layer at a time. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 20(5):473-483.