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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is S and Author is Maria W. Smith [Clear All Filters]
Use of continuous, real-time observations & model simulations to achieve autonomous, adaptive sampling of microbial processes with a robotic sampler. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods. 14(1):50-67.
2016. Genomic and phenotypic differentiation among Methanosarcina mazei populations from Columbia River sediment. ISME J. 10 March 2015
2015. Metagenomic evidence for reciprocal particle exchange between the mainstream estuary and lateral bay sediments of the lower Columbia River. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6:1074.
2015. .
2015. .
Development of real-time assays for impedance-based detection of microbial double-stranded DNA targets. Biosensors and Bioelectronics.
2012. .
2012. Real-Time Biosensor Platform: Fully Integrated Device for Impedimetric Assays. ECS Transactions . 33(8)
2010. .
2010. Sensor Array: Impedimetric Label-Free Sensing of DNA Hybridization in Real Time for Rapid, PCR-Based Detection of Microorganisms. Electroanalysis. 21(13):1459-1468.