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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is S and Author is Simon, Holly M. [Clear All Filters]
Development of real-time assays for impedance-based detection of microbial double-stranded DNA targets. Biosensors and Bioelectronics.
2012. .
2012. Culturable Rhodobacter and Shewanella species are abundant in estuarine turbidity maxima of the Columbia River. Environmental Microbiology . 13(3)
2011. Real-Time Biosensor Platform: Fully Integrated Device for Impedimetric Assays. ECS Transactions . 33(8)
2010. .
2010. Sensor Array: Impedimetric Label-Free Sensing of DNA Hybridization in Real Time for Rapid, PCR-Based Detection of Microorganisms. Electroanalysis. 21(13):1459-1468.