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Seasonal cycle of surface ocean pCO2 on the Oregon shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116(C5)
2011. Template-based quadrilateral meshing. Shape Modeling International (SMI) Conference 2011 . (3):471-482.
2011. Template-based quadrilateral meshing. Shape Modeling International (SMI) Conference 2011 . (3):471-482.
2011. A User Study of Visualization Effectiveness Using EEG and Cognitive Load. Computer Graphics Forum. 30(3):791-800.
2011. A User Study of Visualization Effectiveness Using EEG and Cognitive Load. Computer Graphics Forum. 30(3):791-800.
2011. Using VisTrails and Provenance for Teaching Scientific Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum. 30(1):75-84.
2011. Using VisTrails and Provenance for Teaching Scientific Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum. 30(1):75-84.
2011. Visualization for Data-Intensive Science. The Fourth Paradigm. :153-163.
2011. Fiedler trees for multiscale surface analysis. Computers & Graphics. 34(3):272-281.
2010. Interactive Vector Field Feature Identification. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2010).
2010. PedVis: A Structured, Space-Efficient Technique for Pedigree Visualization. EEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization 2010). (6)
2010. The Provenance of Workflow Upgrades. 3rd International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW) 2010.
2010. The Provenance of Workflow Upgrades. 3rd International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW) 2010.
2010. Real-Time Biosensor Platform: Fully Integrated Device for Impedimetric Assays. ECS Transactions . 33(8)
2010. Real-Time Biosensor Platform: Fully Integrated Device for Impedimetric Assays. ECS Transactions . 33(8)
2010. Real-Time Biosensor Platform: Fully Integrated Device for Impedimetric Assays. ECS Transactions . 33(8)
2010. Real-Time Biosensor Platform: Fully Integrated Device for Impedimetric Assays. ECS Transactions . 33(8)
2010. Real-Time Biosensor Platform: Fully Integrated Device for Impedimetric Assays. ECS Transactions . 33(8)
2010. Seasonal Changes in Bacterial and Archaeal Gene Expression Patterns across Salinity Gradients in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. PLoS ONE . 5(10):e13312.
2010. Seasonal Changes in Bacterial and Archaeal Gene Expression Patterns across Salinity Gradients in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. PLoS ONE . 5(10):e13312.
2010. Seasonal Changes in Bacterial and Archaeal Gene Expression Patterns across Salinity Gradients in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. PLoS ONE . 5(10):e13312.
2010. Simplifying the Creation and Deployment of Collaborative Data Analysis and Visualization Tools. School of Computing. Ph.D. Dissertation
2010. Streaming-Enabled Parallel Dataflow Architecture for Multicore Systems. Computer Graphics Forum. 29(3):1073-1082.
2010. Streaming-Enabled Parallel Dataflow Architecture for Multicore Systems. Computer Graphics Forum. 29(3):1073-1082.
2010. Bandwidth Selection and Reconstruction Quality in Point-Based Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(4):572-582.
2009. Bandwidth Selection and Reconstruction Quality in Point-Based Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(4):572-582.
2009. Enabling Advanced Visualization Tools in a Web-Based Simulation Monitoring System. 2009 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science. :358-365.
2009. Enabling Advanced Visualization Tools in a Web-Based Simulation Monitoring System. 2009 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science. :358-365.
2009. Estimation of ecologically significant circulation features of the Columbia River estuary and plume using a reduced-dimension Kalman filter. Continental Shelf Research. 29(2):456-466.
2009. Localized Quadrilateral Coarsening. Computer Graphics Forum. 28(5):1437-1444.
2009. Semi-regular Quadrilateral-only Remeshing from Simplified Base Domains. Computer Graphics Forum. 28(5):1427-1435.
2009. Sensor Array: Impedimetric Label-Free Sensing of DNA Hybridization in Real Time for Rapid, PCR-Based Detection of Microorganisms. Electroanalysis. 21(13):1459-1468.
2009. Sensor Array: Impedimetric Label-Free Sensing of DNA Hybridization in Real Time for Rapid, PCR-Based Detection of Microorganisms. Electroanalysis. 21(13):1459-1468.
2009. Sensor Array: Impedimetric Label-Free Sensing of DNA Hybridization in Real Time for Rapid, PCR-Based Detection of Microorganisms. Electroanalysis. 21(13):1459-1468.
2009. Uniform and Adaptive (Re) Meshing of Surfaces. Computer Science. Ph.D. Dissertation
2009. Verifiable Visualization for Isosurface Extraction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(6):1227-1234.
2009. Verifiable Visualization for Isosurface Extraction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(6):1227-1234.
2009. VisMashup: Streamlining the Creation of Custom Visualization Applications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(6):1539-1546.
2009. VisMashup: Streamlining the Creation of Custom Visualization Applications. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 15(6):1539-1546.
2009. Direct Volume Rendering: A 3D Plotting Technique for Scientific Data. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(1):88-92.
2008. Direct Volume Rendering: A 3D Plotting Technique for Scientific Data. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(1):88-92.
2008. End-to-End eScience: Integrating Workflow, Query, Visualization, and Provenance at an Ocean Observatory. 2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience (eScience). :127-134.
2008. End-to-End eScience: Integrating Workflow, Query, Visualization, and Provenance at an Ocean Observatory. 2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience (eScience). :127-134.
2008. End-to-End eScience: Integrating Workflow, Query, Visualization, and Provenance at an Ocean Observatory. 2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience (eScience). :127-134.
2008. Estimates of sea surface height and near-surface alongshore coastal currents from combinations of altimeters and tide gauges. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113(C11)
2008. Estimates of sea surface height and near-surface alongshore coastal currents from combinations of altimeters and tide gauges. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113(C11)
2008. Factors influencing the chemistry of the near-field Columbia River plume: Nitrate, silicic acid, dissolved Fe, and dissolved Mn. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113
2008. Factors influencing the chemistry of the near-field Columbia River plume: Nitrate, silicic acid, dissolved Fe, and dissolved Mn. Journal of Geophysical Research. 113
2008. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Computational Provenance. Computing in Science and Engineering.. 10(3)
2008. The Need for Verifiable Visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 28(5):78-83.
2008. Provenance for Computational Tasks: A Survey. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(3):11-21.
2008. Provenance for Computational Tasks: A Survey. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(3):11-21.
2008. Querying and re-using workflows with VsTrails. ACM SIGMOD international Conference on Management of Data.
2008. Querying and re-using workflows with VsTrails. ACM SIGMOD international Conference on Management of Data.
2008. Robust Soft Shadow Mapping with Backprojection and Depth Peeling. Journal of Graphics, GPU and Game Tools. 13
2008. Scientific Exploration in the Era of Ocean Observatories. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(3):53-58.
2008. Seasonal Variability and Estuary-Shelf Interactions in Circulation Dynamics of a River-dominated Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts . 31
2008. Software Infrastructure for exploratory visualization and data analysis: past, present, and future. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 125:012100.
2008. Spline-based feature curves from point-sampled geometry. The Visual Computer. 24(6):449-462.
2008. Tackling the Provenance Challenge one layer at a time. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 20(5):473-483.
2008. Tackling the Provenance Challenge one layer at a time. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 20(5):473-483.
2008. Tackling the Provenance Challenge one layer at a time. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 20(5):473-483.
2008. Transfer-Function Specification for Rendering Disparate Volumes. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(6):82-89.
2008. VisComplete: Automating Suggestions for Visualization Pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 14(6):1691-1698.
2008. VisComplete: Automating Suggestions for Visualization Pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 14(6):1691-1698.
2008. An adaptive framework for visualizing unstructured grids with time-varying scalar fields. Parallel Computing. 33(6):391-405.
2007. iRun: Interactive Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids.. 7th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.
2007. iRun: Interactive Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids.. 7th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.
2007. Provenance for Visualizations: Reproducibility and Beyond. Computing in Science & Engineering. 9(5):82-89.
2007. Querying and Creating Visualizations by Analogy. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 13(6):1560-1567.
2007. Querying and Creating Visualizations by Analogy. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 13(6):1560-1567.
2007. Robust Smooth Feature Extraction from Point Clouds. IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2007 (SMI '07). :123-136.
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