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Application of highly discriminating unique sequence elements of the 28S rRNA gene for determination of protest biogeography. In Preparation.
0. Spatiotemporal distribution of heterotrophic protists in the Columbia River coastal margin, USA. Rejected at AEM, 2014. Undergoinging revision.
0. An adaptive framework for visualizing unstructured grids with time-varying scalar fields. Parallel Computing. 33(6):391-405.
2007. An adaptive framework for visualizing unstructured grids with time-varying scalar fields. Parallel Computing. 33(6):391-405.
2007. iRun: Interactive Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids.. 7th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.
2007. Provenance for Visualizations: Reproducibility and Beyond. Computing in Science & Engineering. 9(5):82-89.
2007. Provenance in Scientific Workflow Systems. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin.
2007. Direct Volume Rendering: A 3D Plotting Technique for Scientific Data. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(1):88-92.
2008. Direct Volume Rendering: A 3D Plotting Technique for Scientific Data. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(1):88-92.
2008. Gonadal tissue color is not a reliable indicator of sex in rocky intertidal mussels. Aquatic Biology. 3:63-70.
2008. The land/ocean biogeochemical observatory: A robust networked mooring system for continuously monitoring complex biogeochemical cycles in estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 6(JUL, July 2008)
2008. Robust Soft Shadow Mapping with Backprojection and Depth Peeling. Journal of Graphics, GPU and Game Tools. 13
2008. Seasonal Variability and Estuary-Shelf Interactions in Circulation Dynamics of a River-dominated Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts . 31
2008. Tackling the Provenance Challenge one layer at a time. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 20(5):473-483.
2008. Transfer-Function Specification for Rendering Disparate Volumes. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(6):82-89.
2008. Transfer-Function Specification for Rendering Disparate Volumes. Computing in Science & Engineering. 10(6):82-89.
2008. VisComplete: Automating Suggestions for Visualization Pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 14(6):1691-1698.
2008. Circumpolar synchrony in big river bacterioplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106(50):21208-21212.
2009. Localized Quadrilateral Coarsening. Computer Graphics Forum. 28(5):1437-1444.
2009. NH4-Digiscan: an in situ and laboratory ammonium analyzer for estuarine, coastal and shelf waters. Limnology and Oceanography.
2009. Semi-regular Quadrilateral-only Remeshing from Simplified Base Domains. Computer Graphics Forum. 28(5):1427-1435.
2009. Sensitivity analysis of an ecological model applied to the Ria de Aveiro.. Journal of Coastal Research. (Special Issue 56):448-452.
2009. A toxic Pseudo-nitzschia bloom in Todos Santos Bay, northwestern Baja California, Mexico. Harmful Algae. 8(3):493-503.
2009. Ecosystem Engineers in the Pelagic Realm: Alteration of Habitat by Species Ranging from Microbes to Jellyfish. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 50(2):188-200.
2010. The influence of the Columbia River plume on the survival of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): a numerical exploration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 67(10):1671-1684.
2010. Seasonal Changes in Bacterial and Archaeal Gene Expression Patterns across Salinity Gradients in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. PLoS ONE . 5(10):e13312.
2010. Seasonal Changes in Bacterial and Archaeal Gene Expression Patterns across Salinity Gradients in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. PLoS ONE . 5(10):e13312.
2010. Streaming-Enabled Parallel Dataflow Architecture for Multicore Systems. Computer Graphics Forum. 29(3):1073-1082.
2010. Bacterioplankton Community Variation Across River to Ocean Environmental Gradients. Microbial Ecology. 61 / 1974
2011. Evolution of the phytoplankton assemblage in a long-lived mesoscale eddy in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 424:53-73.
2011. Mixing and biological production at eddy margins in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 58
2011. Myrionecta rubra bloom initiation in the Columbia River estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
2011. .
2011. .
2011. Development of real-time assays for impedance-based detection of microbial double-stranded DNA targets. Biosensors and Bioelectronics.
2012. Red waters of Myrionecta rubra are biogeochemical hotspots for the Columbia River estuary with impacts on primary/secondary productions and nutrient cycles. Estuaries and Coasts.
2012. .
2012. .
2012. Determining indicator taxa across spatial and seasonal gradients in the Columbia River coastal margin. ISME Journal.
2013. Silicic acid supplied to coastal diatom communities influences cellular silicification and the potential export of carbon. Limnology and Oceanography. :1707-1726.
2013. CoastColour Round Robin data sets: A database to evaluate the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of water quality parameters in coastal waters. Earth System Science Data. 7(2):319-348.
2015. CoastColour Round Robin data sets: A database to evaluate the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of water quality parameters in coastal waters. Earth System Science Data. 7(2):319-348.
2015. Infrastructure for collaborative science and societal applications in the Columbia River estuary. Frontiers of Earth Science. 9(4):659-682.
2015. Microbial Gene Abundance and Expression Patterns across a River to Ocean Salinity Gradient. PLoS ONE. 10(11):e0140578.
2015. Deciphering ocean carbon in a changing world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113(12):3143-3151.
2016. Factors affecting the bacterial community composition and heterotrophic production of Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima. MicrobiologyOpen. e522
2017. Factors affecting the bacterial community composition and heterotrophic production of Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima. MicrobiologyOpen. e522
2017. Microbial players and processes involved in phytoplankton bloom utilization in the water column of a fast-flowing, river-dominated estuary. MicrobiologyOpen. (e00467)
2017. Quantity and quality of particulate organic matter controls bacterial production in the Columbia River estuary. Limnology and Oceanography.
2017. Watershed Urbanization Linked to Differences in Stream Bacterial Community Composition. Front. Microbiol.. 8:1452.