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Vo H, Callahan SP, Smith N, Silva CT, Martin W, Owen D, Weinstein D.  2007.  iRun: Interactive Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids.. 7th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.
Daniels J, Ha LK, Ochotta T, Silva CT.  2007.  Robust Smooth Feature Extraction from Point Clouds. IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2007 (SMI '07). :123-136.
Daniels J, Ochotta T, Ha LK, Silva CT.  2008.  Spline-based feature curves from point-sampled geometry. The Visual Computer. 24(6):449-462.
Moran M.A., Kujawinski E.B., Stubbins A., Fatland R., Aluwihare L.I., Buchan A., Crump B.C., Dorrestein P.C., Dyhrman S.T., Hess N.J. et al..  2016.  Deciphering ocean carbon in a changing world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113(12):3143-3151.
Wang S, Maier D, Ooi BChin.  2016.  Fast and Adaptive Indexing of Multi-Dimensional Observational Data. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. 9(14):1683-1694.